Your Community
Gardeners of Central Lake County

Lake County
Focus Areas:
- Food Access
- Nutrition / Food / Gardening Education
Organization Mission:
We organize and lead many activities within the community of Central Lake County. These include involvement in the annual Green Living Fair in Libertyville, maintaining the beautiful Cook Park Rose Garden in Libertyville, partnering in the Libertyville Community Gardens (leased vegetable garden plots), hosting our annual plant sale and organizing an annual garden walk featuring private gardens within Central Lake County.
We organize and lead many activities within the community of Central Lake County. These include involvement in the annual Green Living Fair in Libertyville, maintaining the beautiful Cook Park Rose Garden in Libertyville, partnering in the Libertyville Community Gardens (leased vegetable garden plots), hosting our annual plant sale and organizing an annual garden walk featuring private gardens within Central Lake County.
Our general meetings begin at 7:00 pm on the second Monday evening of most months. We meet at the CrossLife Evangelical Free Church located at 431 W. Austin Avenue, Libertyville, IL. We begin with a short business meeting that is usually followed by a speaker.
During each meeting we conduct a plant competition among our members. The competition points are accumulated throughout the year and the winner is presented a traveling plaque with their name and the year engraved. We end our meetings with some refreshments and time to socialize among our members and our speaker(s).
Whether you are an avid gardener or a novice at gardening, please join us at our next monthly meeting or activity.
For any information about our Garden Club contact: Cindy Julian
[email protected]
847-772-2186 cell
Social Media: